Welcome to Black Bear Espresso, in the heart of Toronto. Its home to great coffees including the Australian Flat White, probably the only place in Canada you'll find this downunder treat.
You may be wondering why "Black Bear"? After all we're at 25 Carlton just east of Yonge Street, a long way from any forests. But there have been bears in Toronto. Early inhabitants recounted that Bay Street was once known as Bear Street. This was way before the financial bulls and bears took over the street. The name was said to have been used after a bear was chased down the road towards the lake.
Another bear story occurred at The Grange, the home of Mr. Justice Boulton. This National Historic Site can be found at 317 Dundas Street West, a 20 minute walk from here. The story was told of a bear wandering into the pasture of the property. The Justices's horses, Bonaparte and Jefferson "a crack pair of the day at York", did not take kindly to the intruder. They plunged at the bear with their hooves and scared it off.
But these stories are not the reason for the Black Bear Espresso name. The black bear sits atop Ontario's Coat of Arms but that is also not the reason. Nor is the name due to Carlton the Bear, the Toronto Maple Leafs' mascot who inhabited 60 Carlton Street for a number of years. After all, he is a polar bear not a black bear. No, the name came as an inspiration to Adam, the cafe's manager. he liked it. the rest of the family liked it, so here it is.
We hope that you'll be inspired to try our many types of coffees with a croissant, muffin or with one of our treats.
Drop by.
Hugs from your mates at
Black Bear Espresso.